Very few people keep such type of passion and zeal for their work and you are one of them. 🙏🙏
You might also like "Navigating Acedemia" and "Closer to truth" youtube channels - not podcasts, but lots of interesting content
Just discovered your channel. I love your suggestions. It’s got my autodidact ambitions in high gear!!
"Brain Inspiration" brought me here. Well recommended. There are so many alternatives actually.
You're videos are so gooood. Thank you, YT algorithm for recommending this to me! I'm a final year medical tech and physics Master's student myself and currently a research assistant working with EEG and data analysis mostly - it's amazing to see that some of us neuroscience nerds are making some engaging content for us about our field!
How nice to see you are intetested in neuroscience just like me🙂
Very interesting! I first heard about Huberman when Lex Friedman interview him. I haven’t checked his podcast but now I definitely will. Thank you!
Neurotransmissions by the Max Planck Institute Florida is worth a listen.They invite experts to talk about their research in a relatively bite sized format.
Thank you so much for this. I listen to some of these so I'm thrilled for the ones I haven't tried yet. You should do a follow up with any other new ones you recommend. LOVE your channel btw!
Thanks for the vid, I'm going to check out some of these. Most of them are still producing new podcasts.
tus ojos brillan y haces brillar los míos, tu canal es absolutamente fabuloso gracias!
Wow, loved this video, I tend to gravitate towards philosophical podcasts and neuroscience can seem like such a daunting field to enter but I’m excited to try some of these out! Also I love this channel called ‘Eternalized’ - lot of psychology, philosophical and spiritual topics to dive into shout out ‘Make art not content’ And therapy gecko 🦎
Hey! Youtube suggested this video, and I was like.. uh, I think I've seen this person before... I also work at the DCCN :) Anyways, great video. I'll definitely check some of these podcasts.
Try “Stimulating Brains” by Andreas Horn MD, PhD. All about neuromodulation.
Immenso Cartesio . L'ho sempre apprezzato. Un grande abbraccio.
Take what David Sinclair says with a grain of salt, he's been a controversial scientist given that he rules out other and often more concrete evidence that refute his claims by top scientist in the field.
Check out Lex Fridman's podcast too, he introduced so many interesting people, including biologists, neuroscientists, ai researchers and etc. Thank you for the video, very useful!
Hello from Argentina, ur voice sounds beautifuly peacefull 🙂 thanks for sharing ur passion
The Lex Fridman podcast has some podcasts on neuroscience but his other podcasts are so much fun too!