Bro accepted his fate and went down with a banger outro song
Why does the song fit well on this vid WTF
Me in my GTA apartment waiting for my 5 stars to go away:
end of a movie be like
holy shit man when the sirens kick in. best way to go down.
he walked for us to run
Bro been off the grid, he couldnt dissapear, he had to hack them shit, had to get them hit. He just left his PC off, he leaked 24 songs.
imagine the police bruh “come out mf u been leaking carti”
damn this goes hard
bros playing the music he leaked
Feels like I watched the end of a movie
Free up bro for leaking one of the best bangers of this year
No better way too go out
I aint gon lie, this is too hard.
we need this man free
Free dude we need leakers carti doesn’t drop music anyway😂
This video is beautiful
Bro doesn't give a shit cus he's a chill guy
I actually thank this guy with my life