
Thank you everyone for all of your amazing comments, I really appreciate it ❤. Still can’t believe it, but this is just the beginning and I can’t wait for what’s to come!


Dude totally rearranged that song.  It's really hard to take a song that spans decades and not have people compare and feel like it's less.  That was splendid.


I love how Vinnie so calmly said `I will show you today` to Simon. And boy did he ever ❤️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Vinnie should be in theatre productions. So wasted doing bingo. A great voice. Tears for this performance.


You can see Vinnie was thrown by Simon’s question how to get from there to here…. And Simon was equally thrown by Vinnie’s response… then we get this amazing performance… and an incredible and unique version of a classic song… definitely golden buzzer worthy!


Simon has really grown a heart over the years. Listens to the people now. Well-deserved.


Vinnie… do you remember four American women met you and your friend on the streets of Edinburgh back in November after you won the Golden Buzzer and before you were allowed to talk about it?  You even sang a few songs for us? Your BGT video popped up on one of our feeds and we all shared it  with each other 🎉❤.  We are so happy for you!!  You will have a brilliant career!!  We can say we knew you before you got well known.  Best to you 🤩👏🏼🎉


Vinny is exactly what this show is designed for. A new discovery of a guy with an absolutely amazing personality and voice. Well done!


I have been watching these shows since the start when I was a kid and I still cheer and tear up when people get golden buzzers. Even if they don't win, it's such a validating moment for them


I love it when the Golden Buzzer is hit, and the crowd goes mad. It chokes me up every time. 
Vinnie's voice is made for the West End or Broadway.


Simon always says that if you're going to sing a song, like the original singer, then you have to do it better. If not, then make it your own. He did that. He also says to listen to the audience because they know better. Simon listened to them. This guy has a great voice.


I never thought I'd shed tears for 500 Miles, but I did today- this is stunning!! 💖


Well done lad, that is what is called "owning the song" 👏👏👏👏


I absolutely love what he did with this song. The standing ovation before he even finished the song was well deserved.


He has a beautiful, warm tone ... Many can sing, but it's the tone that sets a voice apart.


My God THAT was the MOST beautiful rendition of that song I have EVER heard in my life.


"I want to be the man..."   Indeed. Vinnie McKee IS the man! So well done! Scotland, take a bow!


Used to work with him years ago, it’s incredible to see where he’s come to! Well done bud!!


I absolutely loved this. I never heard it sang like this. He was so humble, and when he got the golden buzzy, his face said it all ❤


The Proclaimers must be blown away with your version. It was incredible! 🎉🎉🎉