
I had telepathic communication with an office pot plant,  found in the garbage. When being away on a 3 week travel, It told me that it was not well and I told it when I will return. There was indeed a misunderstanding and my plants were left 2 weeks without watering. But this office plant was the only plant that survived . Then I moved out from our WG to another country and left the plant with the others. 2 years later it communicated to me again that it was not well. I promised to visit next time when back. I found it outside the Apartment, placed in a dark staircase and little water and cigarette stumps dumped into its pot. I took it with me to Spain where, due to warmer climate, we planted it in the earth and it grew into a beautiful huge treelike being. Gratitude on both our sides. True story!


Of course plants can talk,  this planet is alive.  Animals, insects, plants and bacteria is living.   And they have intelligence.


Science is starting to understand why people feel a forest.


I always knew plants can talk.. that's why I always talk to my flowers.. I tell them how beautiful they look.. I say to them.. "oh wooow.. you look sooo beautiful I love you"..❤❤❤❤


Nature has more intelligence than most people..


More than a hundred years back, Indian scientist Jagdish Chandra Bose was the first scientist to conduct experiments and discover that plants have intelligence and they communicate.


I communicated to a dead plant during hot summer. I said, 'You can thrive, you cannot be dead, you have the power to rejuvenate, grow and shine! Come back!' Within a week it came into life with a tiny green leaf! I cried..as my prayer was heard, it listened to what I said everyday, the miracle happened right in front of my eyes ❤


Everything is intelligent and sentient, object, space, nothingness or beings. Consciousness and awareness is omnipresent.

This is so fascinating still, world will never seize to amaze.


As a First Nations individual,  my ancestors taught us to understand that plants are our relatives and to be respectful to them. Science is just proving my ancestors' way of understanding life...correct.


I recently tried to grow ficus and it was sitting in a pot without any further growth. After a couple months I talked to it, said I love you, you’re beautiful, I want to see your leave! Next day the new leave had opened. I couldn’t believe my own eyes!


This entire creation is intelligence,  God is so intelligent. 

We should all feel this energy.


I used to talk to my fig tree at home.
Incredibly enough it answers back to me.For some time this fig tree was my best friend.


I love this stuff! I saw a study where a group of clones from a Mother plant were in a grow room. Another group of clones from the same mother plant were in another grow room. In grow room-1 the plants were subjected to human yelling and abusive language. Loud noises and threats. Hatred toward the plants and verbal abuse. But no physical touching. In grow room-2, the plants were talked to softly and in loving tones, sweet and adoring language. And no physical touching. Just speech and attitude. Both in equal growing conditions, light, water, nutrients, the only variable was what they were “hearing” or “feeling”. 
The plants that were yelled at did poorly and the plants that were spoken to lovingly, flourished. For a control, another batch of clones were completely ignored and left to grow in silence. They did better than the verbally abused clones but not nearly as well as the beloved ones. I found this fascinating. The plants aren’t hearing as we hear, but they are picking up on negative and positive vibrations at least. And it’s not the amount of carbon dioxide expelled that would benefit the plant, since the yelled at plants got a lot more than the sweet-talked plants. They do “feel”. That’s amazing. 
Thanks for the great study in this video. 🤙🏼 Just subscribed.


They DO NOT find the stick haphazardly at all. I used to have a garden growing up and I saw vines reaching for a stick from metres away. Hanging in the air like that for days. I wondered if they can "see" the stick somehow? There is something there that we don't know.


This whole plant communication system is not random—it is a divinely designed, interconnected network.


One in all, All in one. Nothing is alone. All-one


I always knew that plants communicate to themselves. Thats because we have not learned about this, it does not mean the plants don't communicate. I always talk to them and i can feel its gentleness and selflessness.


I'm glad scientists are getting to the root cause of this.


Love these types of videos


And everyone who was mocked as being unscientific and mystical for stating these facts. My heart goes out to everyone who stood in the mockery for years before this was finally proven to be a fact. The irony of the scientific community being hindrance to actual science.