
It seems like ages since I last made a proper terrarium on the channel. So, I took the idea of a zen garden and combined it with a terrarium. What do you think of the result? I think it turned out awesome. I hope you all enjoyed the video and have a great weekend! PS - Sorry for the late upload. This one took AWHILE to edit.


something i love about artists is, that no matter the level or detail of craft, hotglue will always be a tool. its just so silly


Tanner, as always, you're kept things as cheap and DIY as possible while making a piece among envy from professionals! This was an amazing video, and something I could see myself doing (if i ever find the motivation since i know it wont be as stellar as yours).


Oh dear, a candle holder becomes a terrarium. 
I love it. Everything starts looking like aquariums, terrariums, ponds etc....
Vases, candle holders, fruit bowls, terracotta garden pot pond... I love it when items like that can be repurposed and reused. 
Great work again....


Love the little spider friend in the mossy scape!  Hope he makes a home there.


Did the spider in the Sphagnum Moss in the last bubble stay in the build? Love this idea! It looks amazing! :-)


Dude I was blown away when you placed the clear marbles! You’re so creative I really like watching your videos, they’re so calming to me. I wish I could shrink down to fairy size so I can explore cool terrariums like this. 🧚🏻‍♀️🏞
Good work dude! 🌱🐸👍🏻


I found your channel today after searching for terrarium ideas. I've watched several of your videos and can't believe how creative and talented you are. Everything you do is beautiful, functional... and basically perfect. You make things which I look for in stores, but never find. I just watched the mini-aquarium for snails, and was left speechless, but now, this zen garden triple terrarium.......no words!!


Honestly they're all adorable🥰 What a unique gorgeous little piece!


The fact that you get such beautiful ideas by looking at ordinary things, is just amazing. Another class piece of work.


I didn’t even notice this was a 20 minute video. This was awwesome!


This might be my favourite video that I have seen on this channel. The vibe of the video, the easy to follow tutorial, the end result. This is the sort of content that can inspire people. I wish this sort of stuff would be promoted more, since it shows how just a bit of work can create an amazing result for yourself and others.


"They're kind of rough, but that's alright." - Look, I don't ĥave money for therapy, this is all I got, and I'll take it.


OMG it's GORGEOUS! It's AWESOME. It's a MASTER PIECE. I love IT. It's ADORABLE. Your PASSION brings SMILE. Thank you so much.


Yes, finally!!! A terrarium build - my favorite series! :D


Your creativity never ceases to astound me. The terrariums are not only beautiful but they serve the same purpose as a full-scale zen garden - gazing for hours without boredom.


without realizing, this has quickly become my favorite channel


Just when I thought the terrarium options were exhausted...this is amazing! Endlessly creative.


I just said to myself earlier today that it's been a while since Tanner uploaded a terrarium build and here it is!! Thank you! :')


I can't decide what I love more... the piece as a whole, the little scapes, the zen sand, or the tiny tools. Thanks for another amazing build!