
Guga's running outta containers.  Dude is using a fish bowl for sesame oil.


Am I the only one who misses Mau mau?


Love the content    and all the experiments you do    hope you can do pistachio cream next


7:13 Angel's face 🤣 I think he's onto you Guga, he knows that purple thing is probably veggies 🤣🤣🤣


You and your team do so many crazy experiments and they all look great. What I would love to see (maybe at the end of the year) is a final competition between the year's best stakes. Thought I would comment now so you have time to start the dry aging!


Sesame oil's flavor compounds are delicate. Cooking food after adding the oil will reduce the overall flavor, whereas adding the oil at the end keeps it potent. Similar to raw vs cooked garlic.


Things to add to my shopping list: 
✅ 1 Gallon of sesame oil 
✅ rubber bands to boil
✅ octopus


Roasted or toasted sesame oil is usually used as a finishing oil in chinese cooking, as subjecting it to high temperatures actually destroys most of the flavour.


GUGA WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TRY West African food. The food and amount of spices from Senegal are 🤯 mind blowing. 😊


I used sesame oil in pretty much every meat marinade that I make. Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Sesame Oil, Soy Sauce. I keep it prepared in a 1 quart container. The ratio is 1/2qt Olive Oil, then the other three ingredients are equal parts. I use that with a mix of red pepper, salt, black pepper, garlic and onion powder on pretty much every meat dish. If I want a different flavor I'll add some greek spices or italian herbs and change things up.

I find that the sesame oil somehow makes things taste meatier at times.


2:36 Just a heads up it is by no means safe to boil Rubber bands they are not meant to withstand that temperature of water and can leach chemicals into the food


Finally some debate on the food, great that the guys are being honest


There needs to be a ranking of all the steaks over the years for sous vide, dry aged, experimental, whichever


My favorite steak dip is sesame oil with salt and black pepper. So good.


I absolutely will be trying this! You have inspired Me to make some type of garlic and sesame oil compound butter ❤


Would really love to see a behind-the-scenes video. I'd be super interested to see the logistics of planning all these experiments, given that some of them take months of planning.


4:24 guga's iconic line


Oil isn't a preservative by itself, it just keeps the oxygen out. Food can still rot in oil if not properly treated first. There's also the risk of botulism as with any anaerobic preservation methods that aren't done properly.


I honestly always learn a lot steak/meat on every video here.


Dry age steak in Durian.