
Binary is perfect for beginners, it’s so simple


hard disagree. javascript is a huge ass mess. python is simply just better.


Yes machine code is perfect for beginners
Super easy to understand and a great way to get into programming


I personally feel c is best for starting. It can make you understand how a compiler converts a code to an output , while python is simpler.


C++ is best for begginers


Assembly for beginners ig


JavaScript: "you have an error"

Me: "where?"

JavaScript: "idk you tell me"


Lua is very good for beginners because it's good to learn th3 concepts of programming


Java in text editor, is amazing for beginners


I am new and I’m learning c#


Id say c++ is best to start with because if you can read and write c++ the only thing u cant do is assembly


I'm learning JS and I have no regrets (yet)


Javascript: there is an error in your code.

Programmer: Where?

Javascript: yeah, where?


I think c# and Java are good for beginners because of simple syntax yet good structure and type checking


C. its easir to pick up other languages that way. if you learn python first itll be hard to pick up others

in my experience


Assembly is perfect for any beginner from any background.


Ngl, C is best for beginners, its quite minimalistic and teaches you basics that will provide a deeper under of what you are doing when using higher level languages


C++/C is the real answer.


Learn Python and C no matter what, really complex c codes can be used in python, so you can do real work under the C and use it on the python, it can add your code much more new functionality and make it much more faster, then yes you can learn JavaScript it's a really good choice


Assembly is definitely the best choice for beginners bro