
That old guy was acting his ass off, he needs to be scouted for a comedy.


"I feel tired, my G."


Giving her preppy teenage slang and her saying it nonchalantly is so funny to me


Old dudes got chops and needs to be in more skits ๐Ÿ˜‚


Everyone's talking about the skit, but nobody is talking about Graeme's keen eye when vetting for aspiring actors


The baristas are an oddly great duo


They are actually some fucking brilliant voice actors


That older fella is genuinely hilarious. Would love to see him in more


graeme should be given his own adult swim show


The old guys acting choices are almost as good as yours


I love how all of his pop culture references are at least 10 years out of date.


Bout time we see a movie with no plot holes.


๐Ÿ˜‚ idk why YouTube decided to start showing me this guy's videos a few months back, but GD, sure glad they did. This is great.


RIP Shannon, I'll always remember your 1996 Toyota Corolla and how the interior smelled like cat piss and Newports.


"SAY HELLO TO THE DEVIL!!!" Had me in tears


I feel tired my g has just entered the lexicon.


"Good night my sweet queen" - when he immediately (no hesitation) shot the coffee zombie version of Shannon....powerful.


This is the comedy we need these days. The coffee baristas are my favorite, especially when the guy looks like heโ€™s going off script.


I hate sleeping wet too


The gentleman shines off the bat, but the ladyโ€™s lines are the slow burn which I think about throughout the day. 

That delivery, my dude ๐Ÿ˜‚