This is my biggest struggle... It always has been. I'm trying to work on it. Thanks for this
Thanks for this. Did better on these then expected, but like the others will have to rewatch it to help myself recognize the little things 🤓🙂
Thanks for the practice Dr. Vicars!
How to use ASL University to learn sign language for free: 1. Visit and become familiar with the ASL University website. 2. Bookmark the official ASLU YouTube master playlist: 3. For quick reviews (to prevent memory extinction) bookmark the "Signs" channel playlist page: 4. If you use a desktop or laptop computer you can look up signs using this page: 5. If you use a mobile device you can look up signs using this page: 6. If you can’t find a sign after using the search options at then consider applying to join the Lifeprint-ASLU Facebook group and asking your question there. See: 7. Go through the ASLU Lessons for free: Your comments, questions, or suggestions are always welcome. To contact Dr. Bill Vicars, see: Ways to support the ASL University channel: 1. Click the “thumb up” (like) icon on videos at 2. Click the “subscribe” button at (if you haven't done so yet) 3. Click the “Share” link and share the videos. 4. Visit the “ASLU” bookstore at (feel free to suggest new products that you would like to see). 5. Buy some ASL University “official” clothing at: ASLU gear: 6. Subscribe to the ASLU subscription site: (For information see: ) 7. Donate via: 8. For other donation options, see: If you have any friends who might be in a position to do so you might want to consider inviting them to donate -- thus supporting Deaf children and the promotion of free sign language resources via
Whoooo you pulled the book out when you got these names ..some I have not seen since I was a youngster and watched Leave it to Beaver. 😂😂😂. WE APPRECIATE DR.V!!! YOUR REWARD WILL BE GREAT FOR All you have given for so long to our learning community...I share every chance I get! 🏫🤟🏾
❤ want asl
no x no z and the way Bill first spelled Terrie was wrong, he ended on an "i"! proof: 2:05 do a second take correctly and with the full alphabet, Bill, we arent paying you for nothing jk we all love billy V
2024 here's👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 me Deaf 🧏me name Eyersalem