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Honestly I’m very happy that they gave pomni some bit of closure after what happened to gummigoo and allowing her to say goodbye to the new version that replaced him.🐱


Somehow, spending the day as fast food employees felt more tense than the actual horror adventure


These last two episodes really helped cement Zooble as one of my favorite characters in this series. Much of why i like them is because Zooble is a great example of someone whos not nice but kind. They won't pretend to like someone like Ragatha to avoid being hated, but they won't be an active jackass like Jax. In particular, they have shown Gangle genuine kindness in an attempt to help them. Zooble gave Gangle the fake smile mask in an attempt to help them, and when it didn't work, they reasured them that it wasn't the end of the world. Zooble is the kind of person you want to have in your life. Honest but not a dick about it.


What makes this episode interesting is that it felt real and personal to uncanny levels, something that Gooseworx purposely invoked for two reasons: 1. It’s based on Gooseworx’s 5 years of working on a Mc Donald’s restaurant; 

2. The entire premise is a chill, no “high stakes”, mundane plot. If you cut the weird customers, you wouldn’t even believe that this was an “adventure” at all.

And we all went through a phase where we had dreams crushed by real life for getting in our way.


Also it's kind of interesting how Pomni seems to be having a more positive effect on everyone in the Circus, she was there to see Kinger at his most sane and give him someone to talk to and he seemingly helped Gangle keep from Abstracting and gave her some hope. Kind of curious that this seems to be where Caine starts glitching out.

Wonder if it's possible that the more Pomni helps everyone's mental health improve the worse Caine gets


I was secretly hoping Gummigoo would remember Pomni but sometimes it’s better to move past things that have already happened. It would be sad for Gummigoo to suffer with the knowledge he isn’t real any more than he has had.

That said, I hope he will make a lot more of appearances in the future I absolutely love his character


I had a mini-crisis hearing that Employee-reevaluation speech that Gangle did. Made me stop and think if all I've done was for nothing and that my persistence isn't perseverance but stupidity and stubbornness and I should stop.


My work history can be summed up into one simple sentence.

"Until it wasn't."

Like for example. The two restaurant jobs I had went a little something like this. Sure, the hours were pretty decent, the people were pretty awesome and treated me with all the respect in the world, the management was pretty good, the pay was pretty decent too and even saw a few raises here and there and was even given a few hearty pats on the back for all my hard work.

...Until it wasn't.

Then I worked at a call center at one point. Once again, nothing to write home about, the work was steady, sometimes I rattled off a little long, but then again, the scripts they had us read - especially in regards to high fructose corn syrup - ran for too long anyhow. Once again, the pay was decent, the people were pretty good, the bosses also were pretty good, the bosses were again pretty decent and so on and so forth.

...Until it wasn't.

I'd then work in a supermarket. Once again, the work was pretty simple. They had me shoving carts around, bagging groceries, cleaning things, stocking shelves, sometimes they had me stay late in order to cover for some people, but again, the hours were good, the people were decent, the pay was decent, the bosses I had were pretty cool, the customers could be a bit demanding at times, but it wasn't too terrifying.

...Until it wasn't.

That's how I look at this particular episode of TADC. You think it's gonna be another episode with a colorful cast of characters about to go on another wacky adventure where who knows what will happen.

...Until it wasn't.


6:28 as someone who’s recently just graduated college and has failed to find a job…any job in my major and is now working as a clerk in the post office I really get the pain. I remember this episode hitting me like a truck when I first watched it and genuinely it still really feels personal now rewatching it and realizing how close I am into falling into the same traps as Gangle


In other wacky shows, a "normal" episode gives the characters time to breathe and relax.
In this show, it leaves nothing to distract them from their empty, pointless lives.


The "Gotta be real. I forgot we had that" Is gonna be a great meme 😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤


Coming from someone who worked as a waitress and cold foods while wishing to just work in the animation or art industry, I really felt this episode. I had some bad experince at my cold food job that left me feeling like I’m not doing enough despite working hard as I can and never taking breaks. Being a waitress was slightly better but serving food to elderly people and always feeling your a burden or insufferable around your coworkers made me feel awful. I work in a clothing store now and despite it going well, I always fear of getting fired or not doing enough for my coworkers


There was a theory that Gangle was very close to abstracting if it wasn’t for Pomni and Zooble who saved her even if unintentionally


Not going to lie, but for this series yes we're getting one episode dedicated to each character. With three additional episodes after that, but I would like some more episodes allowing us to see them bounce off each other more. We just found out that Gangle doesn't view Ragatha as Genuine.


I do hope we get a Ragatha-focused episode. She's always Jax's punching bag and even Gangle said she doesn't think Ragatha's kind positivity is genuine. Makes you feel sorry for her.


As they say, context is key.

You and others giving their personal experience in the working environment helps make the setting of the episode work extremely well.


The horror stories about the food service industry make me really glad I joined the Navy instead.


I worked at McDonalds for over 10 years. While the job was enjoyable to manageable, the last two years hit hard. The second to last year was 2020 so you know that sucked, going to it everyday during a pandemic drained me and gave me depression. And in 2021 things got worse as employees kept quitting and we had to rely of teenage employees to get the whole day. The time when lunch started and teens weren't there yet were the worse because we had fewer people as it was getting busy, including a time were it was just me and manager by ourselves with a full drive thru. And I had several days were I wouldn't get a lunch break. Luckily before summer started that year my dad got me a new job, and while it has it's rage inducing moments, I am much better off and being paid better. So yeah, this episode hit home for me as well.


1:16 While the first clip could very well be a Ragatha Character reference, the second one is just a Raggedy Ann and Andy reference