I have been shattered. Beyond broken. When my younger son was killed by a drunk driver, I felt so disconnected from everything, including the church and God. I just wandered for a couple of years. I had to hold it together for my older son. After all, we were all that the other one had. My life began to build again. I remarried (which I swore I would never do) and it's the best decision I ever made, because less than a year later, my older son was killed by a drunk driver. Again, I was shattered. In a million shards. It's been almost 30 years since my older son was killed, and almost 34 since my younger son was killed. Fortunately, I married a man of God to whom I am sealed, and the boys as well. I might not have my children in this life, but if I am true to my covenants, I will have them throughout eternity. This life is temporary. A drop of a second eternally. I miss them more than there are words to express, but I have the promise of a joyous and eternal reunion. Perhaps this is the way it was meant to be. But as shattered as I am, I cannot lose my love. Because of Christ.
It's about 6am and there have been 2000+ views in 15 hours. Many of us are on YouTube studying the Gospel.
You have the most comforting voice to listen to! Captivating. Thank you for sharing this message. We are all broken. . . Although I would never have thought that in my youth.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. There are many areas in my life that feel broken. Some by the actions of others, and some where I bear some responsibility. I love President Holland’s post. So much hope is given. I pray in my brokenness to be made whole. I contemplate how the brokenness of our Savior covers all this. I have started taken the sacrament with this in mind. I am so humbled by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Christ’s atonement that covers so much. Once again thanks.
Accepting your life instead of letting it define us
Thanks for sharing and pointing out this Instagram post. Amazing things the Lord is sharing with us through his Prophet and apostles! Life's been pretty dramatic for me in the last 6 months and it seems to just be increasing. With all kinds of things going on in life. We have seven kids but two just got married and third moved out all of a sudden. So half of our kids are gone. I have definitely felt more broken than ever I would say lately. But whole in Christ so struggling But not too far because of the faith I have in the knowledge that I have gained to prepare for these times.
I appreciate this video. It taught me a clearer view of what the law of sacrifice is. I wrote it down so I could ponder it further.
Let go and let God!
Thanks for the content, And connecting it to your life, wonderful on both counts! Above all of the glorious qualities Our Savior, The Christ-Jesus modeled, I see voluntary Humility even Meekness to Our Eternal Father's Will as the cap stone to His Pure and Matchless Life. I believe with all of my soul that many if not all of us brought glorious Godlike Qualities from the premortal realm and a built-in purpose is to see whether we will uncover and offer these qualities to others, even first and full, like The Christ-Jesus, Our Exemplar! Thank you for allowing comments.
My son needs to hear this. There’s hope for his broken career.😊
I am absolutely broken... And I know lots of People Who are broken now. Thanks for your video, I have career problems too and I feel like I am a creative doing nothing about creative 😊.
I am so grateful that I just found your channel! I appreciate your spiritual messages and the time you are consecrating to help prepare a people ready to receive the Savior at His Second Coming!
I enjoy your podcasts-
Short and sweet!
Thank you. Thank you for your message
Wonderful message. Thank you for sharing your experience!
God bless you
Your posts are getting better ÷every episode. Good job 🎉
Thank you for sharing this, I am learning things from your videos! Thank you 🙏