Make a hostage situation one.
6:00 Sure I like hot sauce- WHY SO MUCH
I love how they cooked several pizzas just for this video.
Instructions unclear, I am now starving as my pizza has turned into a keyboard
8:50 I like how you get almost no time to react and then all of a sudden you're putting poison on their pizza.
0/30? ok then presses 9
Pov: You accidentally dropped your keyboard in the oven and now you're rating how well it cooked
I havent had this much fun watching/playing a youtube video in a long time. This content is honestly amazing. Keep up the great work!
This is such a smart way to use YouTube Chapters Edit: Thanks for the likes
6:04 was not expecting him to put THAT much hot sauce 💀💀
dudes surely knows what type of content viewers want on youtube
4:22. I like how he threw out that packet like it was a danger to society
Bro These talented men need more subscribers man, lets at least get them to at least 100k!! Also all the custom keyboard videos are fire
the fact that pineapple was number one is crazy, i thought pepperoni, bacon, and hot sauce would win it.
9:35 I love how the mid guy was like "sh*t where am i gonna fall"😂
my genuine reaction when he put a mountain of hot sauce was "OH MY FUCKING GOD YOURE GONNA FUCKING MURDER THEM". great vid.
I can't believe nobody had done this yet. You guy's lives are about to change for sure. Welcome to the world of viral fame.
this is honestly such a good way to get lots of money from viewer watch time, and also a great way to give your fans a fun experience