The days of wooden ships and iron men. Here's to you Lt.Cook and crew well done!!!
Wow, that's a lot of rigging.. she's moving along at a pretty good clip too.. Very cool, thanks for sharing.
That was nice! Thank you!
That was just plain cool.
" This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow. "
" Captain Cook, chased a chook. All around Australia. He lost his pants,in the middle of France. And found them in Tasmania. "
Seeing that damned thing actually makes me quite sad. Nothing against that nice replica of the original Endeavour, it's just that I was 1 of the ships engineers (a volunteer basis as all crew were) on the "New Endeavour" which mostly toured around Sydney harbour and was actually much older than the ship seen here. It was 132 feet long weighing 200 tons and had 3 masts, a large chunk of cast iron that had been one of the ballast weights from Captain Cook's original Endeavour hanging on the wall of the downstairs hold turned lounge and bar and a beautiful big Gardiner diesel engine that was a later fit when it was owned and used to make a regular adventure tv show. I moved west and when computers came along and I eventually bought one and got the internet, one of the first things I did was try and find out what was going on with the good old girl. I had a hell of a time finding anything at all, probably more to do with computer illiteracy than anything. When I did finally find something it included a picture of the top of a couple of masts sticking just above the water. As far as I could work out from the story and my memories of the various problems a wooden ship that old suffers from was some sort of woodworm and damaged planking. The story told how despite being warned against they replaced some planks and as far as I could tell, 1 or more sprang out during a night in Adelaide of all places which is a long way from home for it, and it sank. The story went on to say they were going to try and raise her, but NOT salvage her, take her offshore somewhere and SINK her again so she could be a dive wreck! Bugger the divers! Why the hell didn't the bastards save that bloody beautiful old girl? It's bloody wood FFS. Dry dock it, let it dry out, and try and revive the engine if possible and as long as it wasn't terribly long that should have been more than possible, repair the planking PROPERLY and replace the few electronics it had onboard and get the good girl back in the water, or rather ON the water. I have so many great memories from time on that old girl and thinking of just essentially dumping it is heartbreaking to me.
You know they had crows nest to see over all the durrty errr?
I see replica ship moving quite well with no sails up. I hear jet engines. Conclusion: Replica ship is being propelled by jet engines. And yes, I am being intentionally silly.
David!!! you haven't spoke to me in a very long time. Are you OK? You better respond.