Great video, really helped me do my assignment.
It's a little sad to see how many people here seem to be forced to learn this as opposed to people coming here out of basic curiosity and interest for the subject
Thanks it helped me a lot with my school assignment
Is this anyone else's school closure (isolation) work?
Thanks for the help, but it only made me get much more confused...
simply explained to get a total overview, Thank you.
You are a live saver for my granddaughter
This is just what i was looking for
3:17 top 20 rappers Eminem was afraid to diss
Loved this channel
Nicely explained.,,,Great video
This helped loads with my schoolwork!
Nicely explained.
Thanks it only made me confused
V: Kan het een idee zijn om flink veel zeewier te laten groeien langs de zeekust, en dat te gebruiken voor bio-gas? En als er voldoende productie van zeewier zou zijn, dan kan er ook duurzaam plastic van worden gemaakt?
What did you use to make this video?
how do you make your video presentation ? what are the sources that you benefit of ? which programs you are using ? illustrator, after-effects, etc. ?
what is the music from?