
Oh this is good this is real good. Happy to have been a part of this!


That's a GREAT video. Has to stop at 1:37 because just that "expose for what you cannot control" thing alone its worth the comment, so important! brilliant!


I am a total beginner to lighting, and this's been super helpful. Thank you!


Dear FTF crew,

I have spent days now binge watching your videos and will sign up for your class, even if much of the content is just repeats of what I've seen.  $400 or so for a college degrees worth of info is darn cheap.  I have a $50,000 degree that I never used! LOL.  Could make that $400 back in a day with the information!  I'm working on setting up a few Youtube channels and a couple of podcasts.

Incidentally, I loaded up my B&H cart with about $2500 worth of gear (BMD 6KG2, lenses, filters, basic stuff) and wanted to give you guys the credit.  I kind of understand how affiliate programs work, but I had to dig to find a B&H link!  I found it on Parker's page I guess for gear.  So I clicked one of the B&H links (random product I didn't get) and then checked out with my cart.  I hope they pay you the commish on everything in my cart.  It's the least I can do for all of the amazing content I've watched in the last few days.  I hope others do the same and that it's a fruitful referral or affiliate program.


Thank your for this great Video!

1. Overexposes Background
2. Flat Image
3. Incorrect mood
4. Overusing Hard Light
5. Not enough Light
6. Not lighting spaces
7. No Background Separation
8. Overexposed skin tones
9. Wrong color temperature
10 No color Contrast


I didn’t learn shit in film school back in 2012-2015. I learned more about light in this 20 min video.


Lighting is everything, whenever I ask my producers for a new piece of equipment.  Their immediate reaction is, "we know it has something to do with a piece of lighting equipment!"  We all break into laughter and I refer to your videos as the reasons why.  Thank you Sun!


Whoa Hozier is so talented, didn't know he was good with lights too


Woohoooo.... I'm a huge fan of Brady Bessette... its so good to see him in your channel...


9:50 curious as to the "half apple missing" ha ha. im like "were they trying to cover up the logo in post and it slipped?". Great vid. lighting is so wonderful and amazing. was in charge of lighting a few CG projects and I went down the rabbit hole of how light behaves. Studying how global illumination, ambient occlusion and how ray marching works. light is the magic. I do a lot of audio engineering and its a common issue where people will keep turning up different bands of the eq, instead of subtractive carving of problematic frequencies.. just adding and adding and you end up with a noise loud piece of music with no balance. Glad to see the first part of this video talk about exposing for room first. good stuff. have a good one


This was better than the 2 lighting classes I took in film school


Such a high value video, thank you so much, you got a 100% watch time here :)


Amazing video! Thank you so much this has been so helpful!


Thank you so much, I am a total beginner and this helped a lot !


Honestly the most informative lighting video I have found on YouTube 🙏 Thank you


First one great video!! Much to my excitement of being first commenting - I have been watching many of your videos and your tips and tricks have made my video production quality much better. Many thanks for all the hard work that you do to produce high quality video that helps others


I did't know anything about lighting. Thank you Parker, I really enjoy learnig from you.


Best lighting video I’ve found so far. Thanks guys!


1 minutte in and already got the first super cool example wow SO GOOD THIS VIDEO


Always great to see content which you can and will apply in real life situations. Thank you for being here for us ! 🙏🏼