
2019 interview -  https://soundcloud.com/eurnews/80s-rb-star-obryan-on-the-rise-fall-of-his-career-don-cornelius-rumors-and-more


One of my top 5 favorites artist. I knew this was good music as a child and Iā€™m a late 70s baby.


Hi. I have your new ! Channel I like this album I will put this in my library so Keep the albums Coming your new ! No.1 fan


This is an OUSTANDING album


This Album Is A Hidden Gem!!!


found this beautiful album on vinyl for $1...worth 100 if you ask me.


One of my all-time favorite ballads. šŸŽ¤šŸŽ¼


Thank you for this šŸ’Ž šŸ’Æ


Always loved me some O'Bryan. TFS this album!


O'Brien is so underrated!


Love me some O'Bryan!!! TFS the album. Always felt that he should've been bigger than he was. I guess he either didn't wish to be in the spotlight or didn't want to play the industry game or pissed someone off and got blackballed. I just know he was very talented and loved his voice and music.


Almost forgot, how funky Mother Nature's Callin' was, y'all! It also has theological overtones as well. šŸ˜ He always reminded me of a younger Sam Cooke, in terms of his countenance.