This might be a prequel to Wall-E.
The earth will be fine…eventually. It’s us who are damned.
Thanks for having CC enabled
A lot of really good work here. Props to the filmmakers.
And this is why aliens ignore us. The only home we have in the universe (for now) and we are happy to make it unlivable because there is money in it. Our future survival isn't as important as money apparently. Could we be more stupid ?
No Hippos have been harmed during production!
Although the plot was not clear in this short production, the quality of it was good. I liked this one. Thank you.
This is 100% what is beginning now.
Nice graphics, but that hippos hopeless expression told the story alone.
I got two things from this film. 1: After seeing the shape of the helmets, it means that in the future, we are going to have a crazy size and shape to our heads! 2: Also, in the future, we will have a Kuiper Belt of our own making, orbiting close to our planet, consisting of space rubbish.
Some of the intelligent apes might learn from the mistakes made but it will not be those with the ability to affect the necessary changes and they will blame those who knew.
"Are we able to learn from our mistakes?" Short answer: "NO." (At least not enough of us with the power to make the necessary changes.)
Excellent graphics work here. Not really sure what the hippo was all about, but the cgi was awesome. I could watch some more of this is it had some character development or plot. As it is, was fairly difficult to determine what exactly was happening, why or for ?
Why could the hippo breathe but not the people?
Fantastic short film. And the poor hippo, having to exist in all that garbage - it broke my heart. Well done to the producers, well done 🫶🏼
I really like it! You don't need a story to tell one when it's done right and I've done it 😊
Always found it funny, how even the most seedy spaceports in games and movies were always so clean and shiny. Like they just got their daily full body wax job and a horde of spacesuited maids just cleaned out the trash. If we can't even manage our garbage on planet, there's no way in hell our space stations and vehicles aren't gonna be ugly stinkin dumps.
I enjoyed this. There a lot of hate in these comments, I understand why with the connotations to some degree, but the animation and shots were cool so congrats team and well done 🎉
Sounds exactly like what humanity will do. Making a mess and then running away.