
His channel, her choice


The last thing Idubbbz did that was funny as when he cried about how hard his life was after using money meant for cancer treatment for kids, to drink champagne at a gala with a bunch of other out of touch millionaires.


can someone please tell this man that he was funny in other ways than saying the classic NF combo. he actually had good comedic timing and now hes just a husk


A lot of people think that Idubbz changed because his old style stopped being profitable. I think this gives him too much credit. I think he is one of those guys who don't have a personality of their own and just want to blend in with the group they are currently trying to be a part of.
 He hang around 2016 style ''Edgelords'' and wanted to become the biggest one of them all, after he stop being friends with them, he started spending most of his time with Anisa... and turned into this.


The “how I escaped the far right” to lolcow pipeline is real.


If his current content was the only content he ever made, his channel would have never grown past 10k subscribers


The pipeline of Breadtuber to trans is a McDonald's straw. Idubbz is going to come out by August. I'm calling it now.


idubbz and anisa's relationship makes me uncomfortable.  It reads as abusive because she's alienated him from his friends and is very willing to humiliate him.


Oh my god you're so correct about the lack of confidence and bravado! Also, adding a bunch disclaimers to comedy completely kills the bit (I've seen people try it at open mics, it doesn't work lol).


He will trans out in the next year. Watch.


His humor was more than just saying edgy shit. There was other elements to it that I always found funny. 

The best bits weren’t even edgy bits. They were just funny. You’re telling me a naked man in the sewer reviewing pickles or canned peaches is problematic humor? Pokémon Go in a wheelchair? Continuously destroying his hairline?

He has zero personality. He’s just not entertaining anymore.


I hate everyone saying that it's great that he's grown up  and his humor has evolved past edgy stuff, but I still like edgy stuff. It's funny to hear people say things they're not supposed to; new adult humor is so boring and unfunny it's painful to watch iDubbz try to recreate the magic. Sam Hyde is really funny, the most popular mainstream comedians in the world are considered edgy by Youtube standards. I just don't understand why I'm not allowed to find edgy humor funny and why funny people have to debase themselves and be utterly gay.


What I hate about creators like iDubbbz is that theyre so brainwashed to believe that their OLD CONTENT is a direct reflection of who they are NOW that they then go so far into the other direction they dont even act human


Idubbbz is maddox for the younger generations


"What are you protecting your from? It's the 21st century" is so brain damaged. There is literally always something to protect your kids from. And to pretend like the US 2024 is a beautiful safe haven where no dangers lurks and all children are safe from harm is ridiculous.


5:27 Ah yes, ye olde "everyone who disagrees with me is an incel", the highest form of erudite argumentation. Not even a minute into the video and he's this disingenuous.


"Single mothers are protectors" crime statistics would give idubbz an existential crisis


I hate his hair, and judging by the fact he does those styles to it he does too.


Idubbbz used to be so much more witty and clever with his commentary. 

What is this shit?


Idubbbz fall from grace really needs to be studied. Don’t marry the first girl that lets you hit especially if you’re 25.  She took advantage of his naivety