
This is why I LOVE the internet.  If I didn't have it, I'd never know these places even existed.


This is one of many things ALL of these companies have in common and that is " They investigated themselves and found no wrong doings on their part or their business associates", both sad & comical at the same time.


Its s shame that there is so little views on these documentaries. I always imagined the horrors of the future dystopia never to realize we already are living in one


I knew it so that I have not changed my iPhone 7 plus even when they reach out 16 version, and they just laugh when they see my phone..😂😂




The untouchables at the top will always prevail as money makes the world go around, but WE CAN choose what we buy, and that is where we take the power back.  Those poor children and those men in the Congo is an outrage.


Great documentary,  research and questions we need to ask ourseeles about c which phones to purchase and do we need to upgrade to a new phone every year or when the newest model is out? This was really informative.  It seems child labor is the norm in many countries these days and long working hours and working conditions along with deaths in the mines. It's given me alot of informative to consider when it comes to purchasing my next phone. Thanks for sharing your investigative journalism. 56:06


Now imagine the resources required to produce a single electric car !


We are forgetting one thing, Its the system which is broken, its not one company here, Its the entire capitalistic system which is corrupt and broken. Unless we take out the root cause we wont be able to fix it! Children have no voice in this system to say what is right or wrong, when they are forced to do things then they will think this is how to make a living. If they had the support and education I don't think this will ever happen. Lets not blame any "one company"!


Thank you for the education!  Keep up the great work!


The craziest part about this video is it came out 12 days ago an the phone featured is the S-5 from Samsung an now it’s 2025 an the S25 is now the next newest phone so my question I guess is why am I seeing this now when your video states in the beginning it only took you guys a year to gather all this information 🤯


Very important discovery 😊


I have worked for multinationals that kicked me out of the team for continuously flagging, reporting and pushing for change in their practices that affect people and nature. The feedback I received was that I was ineffective and had poor performance on sustainability KPIs. Yep. They pinned the failings on me because I keep on bringing it up.


This is sickening


Refurbished phones from Consumer Cellular. Outstanding customer service. Last two refurb Samsung Galaxy S Series lasted over 10 years with zero issues. Less than $200 each.....


They can't marry until 20 but can work @14 wow


I have an Android 6 years old LG k40 still works perfect a myth that you need a new phone after a few years not true😮😅


Make  me get rid of my phone 😂


How do I delete the music


I haven't bought a smartphone for 20+ years. People who want to stay in touch with me always give me their "old" phones, and put me on their moble plan. Its almost hard to get away from these damn things. Same for internet access....people keep giving me their old computers and access to their wifi. It's hard to say no.....like if someone gives you your favorite bad habit that you're trying to quit. Resistance is futile!  You will be assimilated.