How to know if your energy is blocked or if something is not right with your energy body, which may cause difficulties in your physical, mental, or emotional well-being.
As we are aware of how the sun and moon on this planet affect our energy in our body, because we also have sun and moon energy residing in our body. Sun energy is essentially responsible for helping our physical body function and coordinate with each physical organ and any physical manifestations. On the other hand, moon energy controls our mental state, behavior, thoughts, and mental manifestations. It is crucial to understand that if we are not well coordinated with the sun and moon, it will be challenging for us to live happily. So, now the question arises: How do we understand if we are in harmony with nature?
After the first day of the full moon, during sunrise, try to check your nostrils, breath, and understand which nostril has an easy flow of breath and which one has difficulties in air passage. If you notice that your left nostril is open and the right one is blocked, it indicates that your energy body is also blocked and your energy is not channeling properly in the energy channels. In this case, you should practice Pranayam to balance it. However, if you notice that your right nostril is active, it means that your energy body is currently functioning well.
During the first three days after the full moon, your right nostril should be active early in the morning during sunrise. If it is not, it means that you are not in good harmony with nature.