00:00 - Intro
00:40 - Bible Passage
02:54 - Daily Bread Devotional
04:42 - Prayer
John 21:15-25, KV 15
“When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, `Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?’ `Yes, Lord,’ he said, `you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, `Feed my lambs.’”
Daily Bread
1) Love expressed through action.
Jesus asked Peter three times, "Do you love me?" Each time Peter said yes, Jesus told him, "Feed my sheep." This wasn’t about confirming Peter’s emotional loyalty. He was showing Peter that real love is expressed through action. Today, people use the word "love" often. We say, "I love that show! I love that car! I love pizza!" But sometimes, we say we love Jesus without really thinking about what that means. Love for Jesus is not just in words or feelings. We need to demonstrate our love by serving Him and caring for others. How can you show your true love for Jesus?
2) Restored and called for a mission.
Peter had denied Jesus three times, but Jesus restored him and gave him an important responsibility – to take care of God’s people. This shows that our failures aren't the end of the story. Jesus restores us and entrusts us with His work. When we come to Jesus for forgiveness and change, our mistakes and failures can be turned into powerful testimonies and impactful service. If you’ve felt like you've failed or fallen short, remember that you can always turn to Jesus. Accept His forgiveness and move forward with the privilege He’s given you to represent Him and serve others today. Live with a renewed purpose, showing Jesus' love in everything you do.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for showing me that true love is expressed in action. Help me to serve others as You have served me, and to find strength and redemption in Your love even when I fall short. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
One Word: Serve others with Jesus’ love!