✅ From PikSonc to here 😉 #PikSonc #AlexX20
✅ First video... but I think, this week, I will upload many Tasty Rhythm's song video. Why? I love them of course.
✅ Infomation:
🎶 Song: soundcloud.app.goo.gl/LuZfF
🖌 Artwork: www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/93897866
✅ Follow Tasty Rhythm #TastyRhythm
🔎 Soundcloud: soundcloud.app.goo.gl/7A4ok
🔎 Twitter: twitter.com/tasty__rhythm
🔎 YouTube: / @tastyrhythm5444
✅ Follow me
🔍 Facebook: facebook.com/pik.5onc
🔍 YouTube: here, right now, subcribe please 😋
🔍 Twitter: twitter.com/pik5onc
👍 Contact me: moing1ve@gmail.com or comment this video, I'll read faster.
🥳 Thanks for watching, enjoy!!
#Electronic #Kawaii #KawaiiHouse