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These Jim Rohn Quotes Are Life Changing! (Motivational Video) Discipline Is Everything
TRANSCRIPT OF WORDS: www.fearlessmotivation.com/2021/06/07/jim-rohn-lif…
0:04 Self Education Will Make You A Fortune
1:34 The major question to ask is what am I BECOMING
2:18 Design your OWN LIFE PLAN
3:11 You cannot change your destination overnight
3:54 If you're not willing to risk the unusual you'll have to settle for the ordinary
5:03 You're not a tree!
5:51 Either you run the day or the day runs you
7:02 Discipline is EVERYTHING
8:28 You don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
9:07 Don't wish it were easier wish you were better
9:27 Jim Rohn on Happiness
11:15 Take care of your body
11:47 See it through
12:27 Jim Rohn on CHARACTER
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Narrated by Josiah Ruff for Fearless Motivation
Artwork © Fearless Motivation, created by Aleksandar Mihol
Background Music by Fearless Motivation Instrumentals
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