On her farm near Nuremberg, farmer Claudia Dollinger follows the principles of solidarity farming. Here, farm members all share in the harvest, no matter how it turns out. Because many products ripen at the same time in autumn, Claudia and her colleagues have become specialists in fermentation. This ancient method of preservation utilises bacteria to preserve fresh products for a long time, keeping the valuable nutrients intact. All that’s needed is salt, liquid and some patience.
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#atourneighbourstable #centralfranconia #nuremberg #cooking #fermentation
▷ 0:00 - Intro
▷ 00:39 - At our Neighbour's Table - Central Franconia
▷ 25:57 - Credits
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If you can handle the sour flavour, fermented foods are extremely healthy. At Claudia’s, she’s making a classic sauerkraut using white and red cabbage. It’s a perfect accompaniment for another regional dish – Franconian bratwurst. Korean fermented kimchi is quite different in style but can still be made with locally picked herbs and spices. And as an experiment, Claudia's daughter Marlene bakes brownies with fermented beetroot.
At our Neighbour's Table - Central Franconia | Season 2023 - Episode 285
2023 © Licensed by Berlin Producers
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