What are the latest De Buyer Carbon Steel prices? debuyer-usa.com/collections/carbon-steel?sca_ref=4… (affiliate link)
De Buyer makes carbon steel pans in three distinct collections, the Mineral B Pro line, the regular series Mineral B, and the Access Blue Carbon Steel. This video explains the differences between the collections in terms of handle material, pan thickness, heat treatments, price points and more. We also answer the question, "What does Mineral B stand for?"
If you want to buy a De Buyer carbon steel pan, here is Uncle Scott's affiliate link: debuyer-usa.com/collections/carbon-steel?sca_ref=4…
Step-by-step Seasoning Videos
How to season a carbon steel pan on a stovetop: • 🍳The FASTEST (and best) Way to Season...
How to season a carbon steel skillet in an oven: • Oven Method: The ALWAYS RELIABLE Way ...
*If you click on an affiliate link and buy something, USK will earn a small fee, which allows us to buy more kitchen products to review and make more videos, and is greatly appreciated!! We currently have affiliate links with Amazon, Falk, De Buyer, Sur La Table, Baking Steel, and Thermaworks.*
#debuyer #carbonsteelpan #carbonsteel #carbonsteelcookware #cookware #unclescottskitchen #cookingvideo #cookingshows #food #foodie #mineralb