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★ Sources:
► • Joe Rogan Experience #1309 - Naval Ra...
► • Escape Competition Through Authenticity
🧠 Quotes (my favorite)
“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb
“It is not greed that drives the world, but envy.” — Warren Buffett
"People who live far below their means enjoy a freedom that people busy upgrading their lifestyles can’t fathom." - Naval Ravikant
"Competition is for Losers" - Peter Thiel
🐨 The Traps:
1) Working for (Material) Things as Rewards
2) "That's easy for you to say" Mindset
3) The Victim Mentality
4) The Competition Trap
🎶 Music Credits
🧿 LoFi Beats
amies x midnight alpha. – Memory Lane
Provided by Lofi Records
Watch: • Video
Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/AmiesOblivion
📥 | Download this music (free)
→ https://lofigirl.com/blogs/releases/o...
-------- Time Codes ----------
0:00 - TRAP 1 -- Working for Material Things as Rewards
1:32 - TRAP 2 -- The "that's easy for you to say" mindset
3:20 - TRAP 3 -- The Victim Mentality
5:08 - TRAP 4 -- The Competition Trap
6:18 - Naval and Joe on Freedom & Retirement
7:44 - Charlie Munger on the Victim Mentality
9:28 - Reflections & More
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I do not own the audio source/s used to create this video. If any of the owners want their content taken down please contact me via the email in the About section of my channel.
All works of commentary, reviewing, video editing and (many times) the mixing of different content sources do come from this channel's creativity. Thus, I believe there is a "transformation of value" from any particular raw audio source. This value transformation and, given the non-fictional / educational nature of the audio source contents, makes it a stronger case for "fair use" right. Also, I believe this video is supportive to the owners of the audio source contents, as it helps to spread their invaluable message in a positive way. But in any case, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, if any owner do not want their content to be featured in this video, please contact me :)