There is no definite result, but however it is believed that it lowers the blood sugar levels and research is very much in infancy. So it is still going on, some researched still believe that it lowers the blood glucose level and suppresses the appetite. So it behaves like insulin, other studies shows that it could lower the blood glucose intolerance and it would also lower the glucose levels in the blood, supress the glucose levels in the blood. There is no harm in taking bitter gourd, it is a vegetable and normally it can be taken once or twice a week or more times because it is green vegetable. So it is always heathy. Diabetic patients should take more greens and more fruits and vegetables. Their diet should be half plate or more than half plate should be filled with half plate or more than half plate should be full with fruits and vegetables only. So taking bitter gourd is also helpful because there are some studies done and there is some effect, although it is not proven yet, also taking bitter gourd can be taken in any form like bitter gourd fruit, vegetable like juice and powder and supplement. So any form it can be taken. So continue to take bitter gourd and stay healthy.