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This giant lesson is essentially a mini documentary on how to create a classic rock 80s metal hit track. Of course it's several decades late, but I certainly don't mind- there's so much to learn through out this process, from wielding music theory to collaborating with other musicians, and I believe this lesson does a good job of demonstrating that entire process and what it can lead to.
It also features the one and only Kerry Devine as a guest vocalist to guide us through the twists and turns of melodies in the fifth mode. His work can be found here:
Rockstar Roadshow (National Act):
LAVA Rock (Chicagoland Area):
All of this was done to highlight how to use the Mixolydian scale/mode but I got a bit carried away. Once I realized I was having a vocalist help, I felt obligated to turn it into a full single instead of a little musical tidbit as I've made in my other Riffing With The Modes videos. It takes me a TON of time to finish a single like this, well over 100hrs was spent just on the song for recording, tracking, editing, mixing, mastering, tweaking. The lesson video was nearly as taxing, but I did elicit some help in editing the basic parts of my music video so thanks to Joe Watychowicz for filming some of those fun 80s shots for the video and doing some basic editing work.
What's really weird, is Ben Eller happened to post a video describing 80's hair metal pedal tone riffing on the exact same day as I posted this video. Check out his video here to understand the concept in MUCH more detail! • The Secret Sound of the 80's!
The song will post separately as a music video here in a few days once the track is up on spotify. To be quite honest, I could talk for another 40 minutes about obscure and tiny decisions that HAD to have been made when producing this song but I had to reign it in somewhere, so if you're interested in a part two let me know!
Videos mentioned or referenced this one:
ACDC + Mixolydian: • Why Your Mom Loves AC/DC - Mixolydian...
Metallica Scale: • How To Write Metal Riffs using the ME...
Blues Lead lesson with microbends: • Live Quarantine Lessons - Blues Guita...
An incredible earnest thank you goes to my Patreon subscribers who sponsored this lesson. Without them I'd be doing review videos and jewelry ads instead of making music and lessons. A special shoutout to the following fine folks:
Adam Granger
Bradley Bower
Brandon Combs
Christopher Swanson
Daniel Danciu
Darrin Goren
Donal Botkin
Don Dachenhausen III
Don Watters
Erik Lange
Joe Buote
John Arnold
jon reddish
Kip Ingram
Linas Orentas
Lord of the Chords Live on Indiegogo Now!
Marc Bulandr
Marek Pawlowski
Markos Zouganelis
Morgan M.
Nick White
Patrick Ryan
Philip Sharp
Stephen Marz
My Patreon:
Table of Contents:
00:00 Intro
00:37 Mixolydian Vibe + Inspiration
02:55 Writing An Intro Riff
06:49 Recording and Producing an Intro
09:23 Bass Guitar Options
12:00 Intonation Issues with Major Thirds
14:35 Writing a Verse with Movable Thirds
17:09 Writing a Prechorus
20:22 Writing a Chorus
22:17 Using the Neutral Third
25:50 Crafting a Solo Section
17:32 Writing a Bridge
29:48 Extra elements of a song
25:48 Composing with Intent
37:37 Succesful Collaborations