My friend, Detroit Bob, (not his real name) started a YouTube channel @RockMine about a year ago. He makes videos about vinyl records. In the last decade or so, vinyl has made a huge comeback in popularity. In this video, Bob and I discuss records, silver stacking, and YouTube. I didn't want to come off like a "know it all" when it comes to creating a successful YouTube channel as I am plugging along slowly on my way to 100,00 subscribers. That being said, I am a little further along in the process than Bob who is working towards his first 1,000 subscribers. I gave Bob my best advice for YouTube growth and success. As passionate as he is about vinyl and committed as he is towards his YouTube goals, I'm sure he'll get there. Be sure to stop by his channel and tell 'em T sent ya!
~ T the Silver Stacker
Check out Detroit Bob's YouTube channel called RockMine:
/ @rockmine
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T the Silver Stacker
P.O. Box 695
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Disclaimer: T the Silver Stacker LLC video's typically consist of conversations surrounding education regarding and the acquisition of, but not limited to the following: silver, gold, platinum, silver coins, generic silver rounds, collectible silver rounds, fractional gold coins, pre-33 gold coins, ancient coins, American Silver Eagles, Perth Mint Coins, Mexican Silver Libertads, Fractional Libertads, Proof Libertads, Mexican silver Onzas, junk aka constitutional silver, silver bars, vintage silver rounds, platinum, vintage silver bars, Morgan Dollars, Peace Dollars, paper currency, coin collecting in general, silver spot price, gold spot price, coin shops, coin dealers, coin shop videos, how to sell silver, how to sell gold, and more. Please understand that although the conversation frequently touches on the state of the economy and how it affects the accumulation of precious metals (stacking), T the Silver Stacker is no way shape or form a financial advisor. Glean what you will from the silver stacking philosophy shared, but ultimately the viewer is responsible for making their own decisions. Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that provide me a very small commission at no additional charge to those who use them.