THE IMMORTALS OF MELUHA is the first book in Shiva Trilogy series by Indian Author Amish Tripathi. The story of book begins with the main protagonist of the book SHIVA who is the Neelkanth and Saviour of Meluha Province of Suryavanshi Dynasty. This book is of Fiction genre and is very interesting to read. Hope this book review helps the reader in getting fair idea of this book.
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I'm Pallavi, a small town Indian girl who dreams to share her views regarding books. Never in million years I had thought that I shall start a YouTube channel for this lovely purpose (because I'm shy and introvert 🤫). But yeah I'm doing it. Still on the path of improving myself with each video. Reading books was never in my blood but with time I got to read them and somehow change my perspective of way of thinking. I'm glad you guys are with me on this journey.
Some heartfelt lines :-)
On the way make God your friend so that you can be under canopy of peace and love