好消息,茶包上市了,我們也開放國際運送了!在我們的網站就可以購買好幾種單一來源優質的台灣茶葉和茶包:www.metsalife.com,謝謝你的支持!我們也還在賣我設計的T恤 “Explore Taiwan,” “Fatherhood,” 和 “Always Be Ready” 和新手爸爸+家庭領袖線上課程都在這裡:www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/shop/ 感謝!
Stephen (老外爸爸)
(謝謝鹿港民俗文物館讓我們拍攝,也謝謝我們的好朋友寬賢與芳君當我們鹿港的導遊。We treasure your friendship!)
I have a fondness for antiques, old architecture, and things of the past. These vestiges of an earlier time were built with simple tools and leathery, yet skillful hands. They often reflect a sense of ingenuity and resourcefulness on the part of the builder, timeless beauty, and lasting quality. We are mistaken to think that new technology is always a step forward. Yes, technology helps us make great gains in the areas of speed, and accuracy, (and communication- hello internet!) but not all things should to be done fast, or to perfection. The same can be said of our lives, and how we spend our time. Yes, there are times when it is better to get things done quickly and to perfection. But we are not robots, we are living creatures.
God created us in His image, to reflect his glory and become more like Him. God created the entire universe and all that is in it in 6 days- that's efficiency! In those 6 days, God created the heavenly bodies, the seasons, weather, the mountains and oceans, the forests and deserts, the birds and fish and animals, mankind, and now He holds all these things together in balance. With that in mind, we too should make space in our lives for creativity, and building things, and exploring, and trying new things. Genesis also tells us that God rested from His creative work on day 7. We too need rest. We need to learn to slow down, to enjoy the fruits of our labors, and to enjoy the simple moments of life with our family and friends.
In this video we share our experience with our good friends Kuanxian, his wife Donna, and their 2 children on a trip to the nostalgic town of Lukang, in Changhua county. We hope you enjoy watching this video, and the simple beauty of Taiwan's past. May we all learn to slow down a bit and make lasting memories with those we love. Peace to you and yours,
🏪 好消息-老外爸爸網路商店開幕了,我設計的Explore Taiwan, Fatherhood, 和 Always Be Ready T恤和新手爸爸+家庭領袖線上課程都在這裡:www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/shop/
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