🎧 Listen us on Spotify: open.spotify.com/user/85x82z9r99rk35t9xoplgzrcp?si…
🔥 STREAM NOW:open.spotify.com/track/0LfWfONXQ7dggYPMDQr8KN?si=9…
👉Submit your music for a release or promotion: futurebassnet@gmail.com
👉Jey Cordz
➥Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/3UNZkNQaWAJwcA9zsoEqWe?si=…
➥Youtube: youtube.com/JeyCordz
➥Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeycordzmusic
➥Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/jeycordzmusic
➥Twitter: twitter.com/jeycordz
➥Facebook: www.facebook.com/jeycordzofficial/
🔊 Future Bass Records
✗ Spotify: open.spotify.com/user/85x82z9r99rk35t9xoplgzrcp?si…
✗ Instagram: www.instagram.com/futurebassrecords/
✗ SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/future-bassnet
✗ Submit your music: www.labelradar.com/labels/futurebassrecords/profil…
✗ YouTube: / @futurebassrecs
© If you as an artists or label have seen content of your on this channel and would like it removed. Please do not hesitate to contact me for removal. Thanks - futurebassnet@gmail.com
#futurebass #futurebassrecords #edm