Do the basting spikes on a Staub dutch oven lid actually do anything? Which dutch over is better at basting food, a Staub or a Le Creuset? We test Le Creuset vs. Stabb enameled cast iron dutch ovens side by side to compare the cooking and basting performance of each of their lids.
The Staub dutch oven lid is flat, with a rim to hold ice, and has basting spikes underneath. Do the basting spikes on a Staub dutch oven lid actually work?
The Le Creuset enameled cast iron dutch oven has a domed lid with a smooth interior. Does the lid of a Le Creuset enameled cast iron dutch oven provide proper basting of food as it cooks?
We also put to the test the comment from the Staub owner's manual, that ice cubes can be added to the lid of a dutch oven. Does adding ice cubes to the top of a Staub dutch oven improve condensation and basting performance?
And, most importantly, do the answers to these questions sway the debate over which is the best dutch oven, Staub or Le Creuset?
Find out the answers and surprising conclusion with Uncle Scott's latest Stuab vs. Le Cresuet video.
If you'd like to purchase a Staub or a Le Creuset, here are affiliate links to check the latest inventory and prices:
Shop Staub:
Le Creuset:
More of Uncle Scott's Le Creuset and Staub videos: • Worth the money? Le Creuset and Staub...
• The Le Creuset vs. Staub Debate is Of...
• Le Creuset vs. Staub Follow-Up Video
• Great frying pan? Staub Enameled Cast...
• Best Dutch Oven? Big Staub Cocotte Re...
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