#baps #mahantswamimaharaj #swaminarayan #swaminarayankatha
In this insightful pravachan, His Divine Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj of the BAPS organization explores the true essence of 'હેત-પ્રીત' (love and affection) and how to cultivate it in the right manner. Through this discourse, Swamiji elaborates on the significance of honoring the greatness (મહિમા), unity (સંપ), and genuine friendship (સુહૃદભાવ) in our spiritual journey.
Key Themes:
The true way to express love and affection (હેત-પ્રીત).
The importance of recognizing the greatness (મહિમા) of Bhagvãn and sādhus.
Fostering unity (સંપ) and genuine goodwill (સુહૃદભાવ) within satsang.
Inspiring Quote: "Harmony in relationships is achieved by honoring the greatness of others and nurturing true affection and friendship."
To know more about HDH Mahant Swami Maharaj please visit www.baps.org/About-BAPS/TheFounder–BhagwanSwaminar…
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