It is my sincere hope that you will give yourself to God, to Jesus, and receive his salvation.
He will meet you wherever you are, exactly how you are. There is no sin to great that he won't forgive. Ask him for forgiveness, turn away from it, and ask Jesus into your heart. Be reborn in the spirit and walk according to his will for you!
You don't need a church, a pastor, or priest to do this. Go to a quiet place and cry out to God, and he will run to you! You need a relationship with Jesus. He will comfort you, redeem you, and love you like no other!
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Matthew 10: 6
Matthew 22: 24
2 Peter 3: 9
Isaiah 49: 6
Isaiah 55
Isaiah 61: 2
Daniel 12: 7
Daniel 7: 25
Revelation 12: 14
1 Corinthians 15: 20
Exodus 10: 21-23
Psalms 148: 13