#soulful_bhajan #bhajan Surya Namaskara mantras are chanted audibly or mentally while performing the Sun Salutation. Surya Namaskara or the Sun Salutation is a series of 12 poses performed in sequential order. It is a complete yogic package for the body, breath, mind and the spirit. The Sun salutation is done in the early morning facing the rising sun or in the evening facing the setting sun.
There are two ways of doing the Surya Namaskara – with or without mantra chanting. Each of the 12 poses have a specific mantra which can be chanted mentally or even audibly during each pose. When Surya Namaskara is performed with mantra, then it is done a slow pace with awareness of the mantra chanting. It can also be done briskly in which case the mantra chanting may not be possible.
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1 Pranamasana - On Mitraya Namaha
2 Hasta Uttanasana - Om Ravaye Namaha
3 Pada Hastasana - Om Suryaya Namaha
4 Ashwa Sanchalanasana - Om Bhanave Namaha
5 Parvatasana - Om Khagaya Namaha
6 Ashtanga Namaskara - Om Pushne Namaha
7 Bhujangasana - Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha
8 Parvatasana Om Marichaye Namaha
9 Ashwa Sanchalanasana - Om Adityaya Namaha
10 Pada Hastasana - Om Savitre Namaha
11 Hasta Uttanasana - Om Arkaya Namaha
12 Pranamasana - Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
Meaning of Surya Namaskar Mantra:
1. Who is friendly to all
2. The shining one, the radiant one
3. Who is the dispeller of darkness and responsible for bringing activity
4. One who illumines, the bright one
5. Who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky
6. Giver of nourishment and fulfillment
7. Who has golden color brilliance
8. The giver of light with infinite number of rays
9. The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine Mother
10. One who is responsible for life
11. Worthy of praise and glory
12. Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination
Those who are wish to add further prayers to the 12 mantras can use the prayer to the Sun God. This prayer can be done once before starting the Surya Namaskara practice. This prayer is done by assuming the prayer pose or Pranamasana. The Sanskrit verse is as follows:
“Hiranmayena patrena satya-syapi-hitam mukham,
tattvam pusanna-pavrnu satya-dharmaya drstaye.”
It means – “The Truth is concealed by the golden vessel. O Sun! Open the entrance to that cover, so that the Truth that is concealed by you is visible to me, a truthful devotee, by your illuminating Grace.”
Those who have a busy schedule may not have time to do an elaborate set of asanas, but they can always do a round of the Surya Namaskara which takes just a couple of minutes per round. Depending on the time available, one can increase the number of rounds of the practice.
It also creates a good flow of pranic energy in the body and thus sets in to motion an energetic feeling that remains throughout the day.
Surya Namaskara is a complete practice designed by the ancient Rishis. It gives physical, mental and spiritual benefits.
Related Article:
Surya Namaskara – The Sun Salutation
Album - Surya Namaskar Mantra
Label: SSJ Productions
artist - Sahil Jagtiani
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