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how to edit *aEsTHetic* vlogs (FULL workflow + tips to save time) beginner friendly

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In this video, I’m finally spilling all my secrets about how I edit aesthetic vlogs, from filming equipment, to my complete editing workflow including rough cut, adding music, color correction, to my most used ~aesthetic~ fonts, effects, transitions. I share editing techniques to make your ordinary life engaging stories for the audience, and tips to save time so that you can consistently put out vlogs even with a full time job.

I edit w/ Final Cut Pro, but feel free to adapt the workflow + time saving tips for any other editing software (Premiere Pro, CapCut, iMovie etc.)

Putting ourselves out there is hard, and editing can feel like such a daunting task. I hope this video helps make it easier to get your story out to the world✨

00:00 intro
00:43 filming equipment
03:17 software + prep
04:37 rough cut
05:24 tips to make your story engaging
06:54 audio mixing
08:05 where i find music
10:05 ~aesthetic~fonts, effects, transitions
11:53 color correction
14:57 thumbnail + upload
16:24 tips to save time

insta: www.instagram.com/tapioca.press/
subscribe: youtube.com/c/tapiocapress

i quit my job to make content for you full time:)
buy me a coffee here: ko-fi.com/tapiocapress
...so you have more videos to watch, and I don't have to sell my soul to corporate (again)

if you can't afford a coffee, no sweats. like, subscribe, and tell your friends about tapiocapress - these are all huge ways to help💕

Gling (AI editing) - gling.ai/?via=evelyn
Da Font - www.dafont.com/

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‪@epidemicsound‬ (1st month free) share.epidemicsound.com/o2pwcw
Thematic app.hellothematic.com/?via=tapiocapress

🙋🏻‍♀️ HELLO
Hi, I’m Evelyn✨
➭ how old are you? 29 (born in 1994)
➭ where do you live? Guangzhou, China (for now)
➭ what's your MBTI? INFP
➭ what was your job before you quit? consultant/program manager

on this channel I share my life as a recent corporate drop out, going on a journey of growth and self-discovery to (hopefully) figure out what I want to do, and where I want to be. Grateful to have you here:)

FTC: this video is sponsored by Skillshare. some of the links are affiliate links meaning I earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them, but it doesn't cost you any extra. thanks so much for your
