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15-Minute Labor Inducing Workout (Prepare for Labor + Delivery!)

Follow along with these 8 exercises to prepare your body for labor and delivery!

These exercises are designed to help mama and baby get into alignment before birth. Research has found that (for low-risk, full-term women), physical exercise can increase the odds of labor naturally starting and decrease induction, cesarean, and instrumental delivery rates.

Please note that you should only attempt to induce labor if your doctor or midwife has agreed you are ready (usually 37 weeks and beyond).

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🤰 Find ALL of my Prenatal Workouts in this YouTube playlist:    • Prenatal and Pregnancy Workouts  

► EQUIPMENT: Small step or bottom stair of a staircase. I am using a Bosu ball for a slight elevation in this workout.
👉My Bosu Ball is from Amazon (affiliate link): amzn.to/3vz7yPJ
👉 My oversized yoga mat is from Gorilla Mats (affiliate link): gorillamats.com/?aff=5
*Discount Code: NourishMoveLove

00:00​ Workout Introduction
✔️ 5 Circuits (each circuit consists of 2 exercises --- one low impact cardio exercise and a birthing position/recovery exercise)
✔️ Perform each low impact cardio exercise for 60 seconds, followed by holding the birthing recovery for 30 seconds “rest”
✔️ You’ll only perform each circuit once (no repeats)
01:15 Warm Up

03:30 Circuit 1
Cardio: Side to Side Squat and Inner Heel Tap
Recovery: Squat and Spinal Roll Up

05:55 Circuit 2
Cardio: Side-to-Side Overhead Reach and Tap
Recovery: Hands on Wall Squat

08:32 Circuit 3
Cardio: Lateral Stair Stepper (Right)
Recovery: Wide Uneven Squat Pulse (Right)

10:55 Circuit 4
Cardio: Lateral Stair Stepper (Left)
Recovery: Wide Uneven Squat Pulse (Left)

12:50 Circuit 5
Cardio: Wide Squat Toes In/Out Pulse
Recovery: Supported Yogi Squat

15:45 Cool Down

💜 Learn more about labor inducing exercises in this post: www.nourishmovelove.com/8-exercises-to-induce-labo…
👖 LINDSEY WEARING (affiliate links):
► lululemon Align High-Rise Leggings: creatoriq.cc/3KiFh7p
► lululemon Ebb to Street Tank: creatoriq.cc/3R2v5AJ
► lululemon Swiftly Tech Short Sleeve: creatoriq.cc/3xGajjv
►Are these exercises safe for pregnancy?
All of these exercises are safe to do during pregnancy, as long as you have been cleared by your doctor or midwife! Exercise is recommended as one of the ways to naturally induce labor, but every pregnancy and delivery is different. Please note that you should only attempt to induce labor if your doctor or midwife has agreed you are ready (usually 37 weeks and beyond).
⭐️ FREE WEEKLY WORKOUT PLANS IN YOUR INBOX: www.nourishmovelove.com/subscribe/
⭐️ FOLLOW on Instagram: www.instagram.com/nourishmovelove/
⭐️ MORE WORKOUTS + FREE WORKOUT PLANS: www.nourishmovelove.com/
#laborinducing #thirdtrimester #laborprep
