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The Qui-Gon Theory That Changes Star Wars For Me

A theory sent in by a viewer of the channel has me really thinking. Did qui-gon see his death just before it happened?
In the phantom menace, qui-gon, maul, and obi-wan are all separated by plasma shields, as we see qui-gon meditating, while maul paces back and forth. This is a perfect example of sith vs jedi training and mentality.
The theory here is, was qui-gon calming his thoughts and replenishing his energy while he waited for the shields to go down? Or was he actually able to see into the future, and see his death? Knowing that this was the will of the force.
Qui-Gon was extremely dedicated to the will of the force, essentially saying, if that’s how it happens, then that’s how it’s meant to be, it’s fate. Whereas the jedi started to bend the force to their will, by fighting for political ideologies and becoming disillusioned with how the force was used for thousands of years, partially why Dooku left the order.
So while qui-gon was meditating, maybe he actually saw that he was going to die, and instead of changing it, he allowed it to happen. If he didn’t, he would have gone on to train the boy, and Anakin Skywalker wouldn’t have turned to the dark side. He’d have had qui-gon to discuss all of his issues, including his dreams about his mother suffering and padme dying. I believe qui-gon could have made anakin the jedi master everyone hoped he would become. But then what…Anakin would go on to lead the jedi order for the rest of his years, training many jedi and protecting the galaxy…that wasn’t balance like the force wanted. It was what the jedi wanted. It was their prophecy, not the true prophecy of the force, which in the end did bring the final end of the sith. See, I think in order for their to have been balance, wasn’t for anakin to live, but for him to die. There was darkness in him waiting to take over like a symbiote, and once the right circumstances arrived, such as padme needing to be saved, and palpatine having the answer, his darkness fully enveloped him and he became Darth Vader.
So maybe qui-gon knew that if he did indeed stall until obi-wan joined him to fight maul, that he would be acting against the will of the force entirely. Maybe he knew that Obi-Wan would fail, and it must be no other way. For if he was alive, so many things would have changed. Luke probably would have been raised at the jedi temple, assuming anakin still had kids, and Palpatine would have perhaps manipulated Luke or Leia, if he couldn’t have anakin, he’d have their children turn into Sith Lords from a younger age, which could have been even more devastating because Anakin would have died for them, maybe like Han Solo to kylo, then what.

Qui-Gon might have seen many different outcomes we’re not aware of, now this is just my mind doing its thing, but I imagine the untold story of what Qui-Gon saw during this brief meditation could be rewritten someday, and heck, that could be kinda cool. It would just add to his overall arc by making him sacrificial for the greater good. Things always have to get worse before they get better, nothing ever just starts great and ends up greater, that’s not real life, and it’s not proper storytelling.

I hope you guys enjoyed this theory, shoutout to the viewer who came up with the thought provoking question.

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