ORDER NOW! The HealthNut Cookbook: bit.ly/2XKGzSv
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A 6 - 8 month old meal plan that you can prep ahead of time to save time and money! In 1 hour I will show you how to make at least a month’s worth of food for your little one.
6 - 8 Month Old Meal Plan (with free download!) + Product Links: bit.ly/37lewvo
Baby food course I took and highly recommend: bit.ly/2QJNdq0 (Use Code: SAGEEATS for 15% off!)
Sage's first week of solids: bit.ly/37mXltw
Baby Food Resources: bit.ly/3p4Vv8o
Watch More Meal Prep Videos Here: bit.ly/2uKBTJk
Matt's YouTube Channel: bit.ly/2hp6mYh
Hey HealthNuts, welcome to my corner of the internet! My name is Nikole and I’m the face behind HealthNut Nutrition. Here on my YouTube channel, I talk about all things food, self-care, wellness, lifestyle, motherhood and our little family of four! I post a NEW video every Wednesday and Friday at 3 pm EST, such as What I Eat In a Day, Healthy Recipes, Lifestyle Vlogs, Healthy Grocery Hauls, Routines and MORE! Welcome to the HealthNut fam and I hope you enjoy watching!
Most Popular Videos:
What I Eat in a Day at Work • bit.ly/2qmkg5c
7 Life-Changing Healthy Habits to Start TODAY! • bit.ly/3nmnCxk
What I Eat In A Day For Anxiety | Healthy & Balanced Meals • bit.ly/38jZh7j
FINDING OUT I’M PREGNANT! Pregnancy Test + Emotional Reaction • bit.ly/38gxLrb
Healthy Costco Hauls | Stocking Up On Essentials! • bit.ly/38kmc29
Other Places You Can Find Me:
Instagram • Instagram.com/healthnutnutriti...
Facebook • www.facebook.com/healthnutnut......
Blog • www.healthnutnutrition.ca/...
Shop • healthnutshop.com/
Pinterest • www.pinterest.ca/healthnutnut......
Camera & Equipment:
Vlogs •
Main Camera: amzn.to/38YF1am
Microphone: amzn.to/3hSlJrm
Mini Tripod: amzn.to/3b9W6kh
Main Videos •
Main Camera: amzn.to/3hIKQwH
Lens: amzn.to/3pS7FAN
Zoom Lens: amzn.to/3b712Xf
Gimbal Stabilizer: amzn.to/3nbvG44
Microphone System: amzn.to/2JPgdco
Tripod: amzn.to/3hWz9Tj
C-Stand: amzn.to/3q3ZEJl
Lighting amzn.to/2MEFZkN
Dome Diffuser: amzn.to/3hSnDIw
Clamps: amzn.to/3hLwJ9L
Sandbags: amzn.to/3pJu1o6
Backdrops •
Pecan: bit.ly/357MBhR
Coral: bit.ly/3943GKD
Blue Mist: bit.ly/2L7yKBb
Lemonade: bit.ly/3bbnbUo
*This video is not sponsored. All opinions expressed are my own. Occasionally, I receive products from brands for consideration but will disclose when videos are sponsored and when I am getting paid to talk about the brand/products mentioned. Thank you for your support!
Hugs + Smoothies,
Nikole xo