More In-depth method for coming up with commutator solutions:
Corners: • Full 3-Style Blindfolded Method [Corn...
Edges: • How I Learned 95% of 3-Style Edges in...
Or if you want to learn an intermediate 3-style method, watch this:
Orozco Tutorial (Corners): • Orozco 3x3 Blindfolded Method Tutoria...
Orozco/Eka Tutorial (Edges): • Eka & Orozco 3x3 Blindfolded Methods ...
3x3 Blindfolded Tutorial: • (New) How to Solve the Rubik's Cube B...
Commutator Tutorial: • Rubik's Cube: How Commutators Work!
0:31 Commutator Types
2:12 Corners Example
4:44 Edges Example
7:09 Parity Example
9:10 Parity Steps Review
► Corners Only Example: (Buffer: UFR)
R2 D B2 R2 D R2 U' F2 L2 F2 D2 R' B2 D R B2 U R'
► Edges Only Example: (Buffer: UF)
F2 U' F2 D U L2 F2 L2 U B2 R2 B' L U B' F' R' D' L' F2
► Parity Example:
U L2 B2 U' D' R F2 D' B' D B2 L2 B2 U' B2 L2 D' F2 D2 L2
1. Memo Corners: WB SA UQ DV I
2. Memo Edges: LQ MO GS DJ DU NU (UF/UR swapped)
3. Solve Edges
4. Solve Corners except last letter (I)
5. Place last letter (I) in the top face (L' setup move) and do a PLL
► Comm list for UF/UFR buffers:…
(not made by me)
Don't use this to learn, use it when you want to optimize your comms to be faster
The first letter of a piece specifies which sticker to look at. For example, LBU means the L-sticker of the piece, while UBL means the U-sticker.
Each commutator cycles ABC where A is the buffer, the top tells you what B is, and the left side tells you what C is.
Commutator notation: [A, B] means A B A' B'
Conjugate notation: [X: [A, B]] means X (A B A' B') X'
(X is just a setup move)
In the Parity tab, these algs assume you have the UF edge swapped with the piece shown on top, and the UFR corner is swapped with the piece shown on the left.
Wings, centers, and obliques are for big cubes
► Common Questions:
Q: How can I memorize that many cases?
A: Most of it is intuitive, like F2L. Don't try to learn from a commutator list because that's not really the point of 3-style. Learn how commutators work and solve intuitively. Many cases follow a similar pattern, for example a U or D move interchange for corners, or setting up to a 4-mover for edges.
Q: How fast can I get with/without 3-style?
A: With 3-style you can be potentially sub-20 (looking at the top 3bld solvers). Without it, you can get around sub-40 (I think) if you are really dedicated to M2 edges and Old Pochmann corners. But if you're that serious about blindfolded, you might as well learn 3-style, at least for corners, as it is a huge step up from Old Pochmann corners.
Q: How do Eka and Orozco (intermediate 3-style methods) work?
A: Eka solves 2 letters at a time (like 3-style) using setup moves along with a small subset of 3-style commutators. Orozco solves 1 letter at a time using a small subset of 3-style commutators.
Q: Do you know 3-style?
A: No. Technically yes because I can make up a comm on the spot, but practically speaking I don't know nor use 3-style. I use M2 edges and Old Pochmann corners because I'm not super serious about blindfolded. If you're looking to optimize speed and do more advanced things with 3x3 blindfolded feel free to ask me, but you're more likely to get a good answer from more advanced 3bld solvers.
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