What is it like to work at a Machine Learning startup? What problems are ML founders thinking about every day?
Meet YC founders in the ML space. Two founders give ⚡lighting tech talks⚡ on the following topics:
How to stack recommendation models to always win (Andrew Yates, Promoted.ai (YC W21)) - www.ycombinator.com/companies/promoted
How and why we created one of the fastest 3D Reinforcement Learning simulators in the world (Josh Albrecht, Generally Intelligent (YC S17)) - www.ycombinator.com/companies/generally-intelligen…
You then hear quick company pitches from three other founders - so you can meet a wider breadth of companies:
Jay Chia, Eventual (YC W22) - www.ycombinator.com/companies/eventual
Stanley Fich, HyperGlue (YC W21) - www.ycombinator.com/companies/hyperglue
Benjamin Colman, Reality Defender (YC W22) - www.ycombinator.com/companies/reality-defender
0:35 - Tech Talk by Andrew Yates, Promoted.ai (YC W21): “How to stack recommendation models to always win”
10:27 - Q&A with Andrew (Promoted.ai)
14:09 - Tech Talk by Josh Albrecht, Generally Intelligent (YC S17): “How and why we created one of the fastest 3D Reinforcement Learning simulators in the world”
21:27 - Q&A with Josh (Generally Intelligent)
24:31 - Company pitch by Jay Chia, Eventual (YC W22)
25:48 - Company pitch by Stan Fich, HyperGlue (YC W21)
28:07 - Company pitch by Ben Colman, Reality Defender (YC W22)
View and apply to their open roles through the event page: www.workatastartup.com/events/ml-tech-talks-2022
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