Enter the J-pop competition that will be held at Anime Expo!:
Hello everyone! Jyuumily is back, this time with Emily's choice of dance! She has wanted to do "Chocolate Train" for a long while now, and until recently she really wanted to cover it so here it is!
It's a nice hip hop dance, yet very free/loose at the same time. This is more of an emphasis on how are styles vary and how we interpreted the dance c:
Aaa I'm sorry on my part though, I know I very serious most of the time ;-; Honestly I learned about 1/3 of the dance til that day because I was focused on a dance competition the day before the meetup;;; So most of it was trying to make sure not to mess up and such (hence mistakes aaa). But much thanks to Emily for teaching me the rest of the dance just hours before!! You're the best ♥
You should focus all your attention on her because wow look at her go ;w;
Also much thanks to her again for lending me her shirt to give that hip hop vibe, as well as another friend for letting me borrow her cap and backpack~ I really love you guys aaa ;u; Sorry for bothering you guys on that though;;;
We also asked friends to help out during the freestyle parts! (Because we suck at freestyling lol). All the more fun! Especially the second "freestyle" which ended up being a train haha~
I hope you guys enjoy this cover ;w;
Jyuke, over and out! ♥
Check out Emily's channel~
Those that helped out during the freestyle/train!:
Mai-chan ( / @youseiidesumeiik8285 )
Chestnut (youtube.com/user/ayochestnut)
Sharmander (youtube.com/user/shugocharablossomKHT)
Peachiikkuma (youtube.com/user/Kahoi2i)
KABAKABA (youtube.com/user/KABA21KABA)
**Sorry I don't know everyone/their accounts;;;
But thank you so much in partaking in the video!
Much thanks to AnimeGamer0 for recording/editing~
Song: チョコレート・トレイン (Chocolate Train)
Vocals: タイツォン
Original Sung By: 初音ミク
• Chocolate Train【チョコレート トレイン】- Hatsune...
Original Dance: SLH & めろちん (Melochin)
Choreography: YUMA & めろちん
• 【SLH+めろちん】 チョコレート・トレインを 踊ってみた【オリジナル】
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