Animated music video parody of the movie mashup Godzilla vs The Meg.
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Movie Musicals 112: Godzilla vs Meg The Musical
There's a new Meg from deep in the trench on the loose, giving Jason Statham purpose in life again. He must team up with the new general of the army: The Rock, Millie Bobby Brown, and Johnny "Jack Sparrow" Depp to unleash the Kraken, Kong, Godzilla and Mechagodzilla into the fray.
►Animation: Danny Lesco (
►Lyrics, Song & Vocals: Logan Hugueny-Clark (
►Vocals & Co-Producer: Whitney Di Stefano (
Verse 1
(Jason Statham)
Since the last Meg died, don’t know what to do with my life,
Became a tourist guide, and an alcoholic guy.
But another Meg emerges, gives me a reason for being,
Now there’s purpose in my life, must stop that eating machine.
(The Rock)
First day in the job, leading fighting men,
Won’t stand idly by as a kaiju squashes them!
Go toe to toe, but keep the nukes at the ready,
In case my muscles can’t tame and keep Godzilla steady.
Can you smell what’s cooking? It’s Millie Bobby Brown!
The only kaiju expert in this two-bit town.
Mechagodzilla is our only hope,
Listen to my words you roid-raged dope!
Sharks never scare me. I’m made of radiation.
Lizards are good meat. Hungry and impatient.
I want shark sushi. Love it raw and fried.
Paralyze and freeze. Look in my cold, black eyes.
Kaiju fight, ka-ka-ka-kaiju fight.
Verse 2
(The Rock)
We got Kong in chains, can’t he help our plight?
Use him to lure Godzilla back to the fight.
(Jason Statham)
That plan’s crazy, if we do it we’re lost,
We must work together, but I’m the boss.
I won’t take advice from an actress who’s the same in every movie,
I could say the same thing about you...
(The Rock)
Now that we’ve resolved that, release the monkey,
Let’s hope it doesn’t team up with that shark so fat and chunky.
You idiots should have listened to me,
Now there’s no way to stop their monster spree.
(Jack Sparrow)
Don’t worry lads, Kraken’s been spurred,
To stir more shite than Amber Heard.
(Jack Sparrow)
Good riddance you hairy ape,
Go eat bananas, make your escape.
Still high as a kite from the Molly I ate?
Or did Kraken just fling me into Meg’s face?
(Jason Statham)
The shark attacks the octo beast,
Almost makes Kraken deceased.
Godzilla must rejoin this fight,
Or else we’ll all be dead tonight.