Like this? Check out this video on Infinity War • Infinity War From Thanos's Perspectiv...
Also if you like One Piece/Naruto check out the inspiration here @Mugiwaranogoofy
The music at the end is by @alexmaramusic he is releasing an album soon, and it will be amazing. Check out his Spotify here
Avengers Endgame really was quite the movie, with Iron Mans, Captain America and Black Widows stories all finishing, it truly was one of the greatest moments in cinema history. But it's quite funny when you take it from Thanos' perspective
Music Used:
The *STONE*Weaver Taliyah intro music by Riot Games(I'm just doing this so you can know the Easter Egg)
Swain's intro Music
Jhins Intro Music
Panicky Puddles
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the video is supposed to be a parody and sort of a reaction all in one