Find The Great Fairy In Zelda Echoes Of Wisdom & get accessory upgrades, might bell accessory. Find Fairy Flower Accessory & Fairy Fragrance in Echoes of Wisdom and upgrade your fairy bottles.
You can find the Great Fairy fountain in In the Middle of Lake Hylia. The Great Fairy allows more accessories to be Equipped thus rupees are required for each upgrade. Fairy Bottles: Tutorial Area Cave, Complete “Cuccos on the Loose” Side quest, Complete “The Zappy Shipwreck” Side Quest. Two fairy accessories: Fairy Flower- Lovely and Fragrant flower. Wearing one makes fairies appear occasionally when you cut grass or other plants. Location: Cave behind destructible wall in Southwestern Eldin. Fairy Fragrance Prerequisites: Side Quest “Looking for Bempu” is available after you complete Feran Temple . Cologne made of Fairy flowers. Makes fairies appear a bit more often when cutting grass or other plants. Location: Complete “Looking for Bempu” Quest. Looking for Bempu SQ: You agreed to play hide- and- seek with Bempu and Buzzu. 1st match: “Bempu says they’re hiding at a shop that became trendy recently. “. In front of the Faron Wetlands Smoothie Stand. 2nd rematch: Now they are hiding at a lake that's a symbol of love.- Just above Heart Lake. 3rd rematch: They are hiding at a home where a rift used to be. The stairs in the northern section of the Faron Wetlands, north-east of Scrubton. 4th Rematch: A home that used to be covered in dark thorns In the south-east corner of Faron Wetlands. Note: The Great Fairy's Request can only be unlocked after completing The Rift on Eldin Volcano main quest, since this side quest requires Goron City to be restored. Prerequisites: After clearing the Eldin Dungeon, the Great Fairy's Request SQ can be started, which rewards the Might Bell accessory. The quest can be started by opening the treasure chest beside the right statue. The Great Fairy asked that you give her a lovely pendant and in exchange, she’ll provide an artifact that can detect might crystals. Go see the shopkeeper in Gerudo Town. For this quest you gathered the materials for the lovely pendant: a floral seashell and a magma stone. To get the Magma Stone: Goron City Shopkeeper - Lizalfos Burrow is found to the north of Goron city. The Goron shopkeeper should arrive afterward and mine you a magma stone. To get the Floral Seashell: Sea Zora Village Shopkeeper . Go to business scrub to make an unfortunate smoothie. Go back to Sea Zora Village, and give the shopkeeper the Unfortunate Smoothie in exchange for the floral seashell. Great Fairy's Request= Reward Might Bell
Time stamp
00:00 Fairy Bottle Location 1
00:52 Fairy Bottle Location 2
01:33 Fairy Bottle Location 3
02:21 Fairy Bottle Location 4
02:27 Great Fairy Shrine Introduction
02:39 Upgrade/ Increase More Accessories ( Make Me More Stylish)
03:20 How to Get More Money Fast?
03:56 2 Fairy Accessories
04:20 How to get Fairy Flower Accessory
05:02 How to get Fairy Fragrance Accessory
06:28 How to get a Might Bell Accessory? ( The Great Fairy's Request)
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