Raheemum Aleemum Remix | Trap Mix | DJ ABIN 2.5 | Malayalam DJ Songs | I am Abin
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Audio & Video Credit :
Song:Raheemun Aleemun
Movie:Malik (film)
Singer(s):Hida Chokkad, Imam Majboor, Mithulesh, Sinan Edakkara
NarayananActor(s):Fahad Fasil, Nimisha Sajayan
The following Audio / Video is strictly meant for promotional purposes . we do not wish to make any commercial use of this & intended to showcase the creativity of the artist involved.
The original copyright (s) is [are] solely owened by the companies /original artist (s)/record-label (s) All the contents are intended to showcase the creativity of the artist involved and is strictly done for promotional purpose.
Disclaimer : As per 3rd section of fair use guidelines borrowing small bits of materials from an original work is more likely to be considered fair use . copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976. allowance is made for fair use
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