Get your Dark Souls Hoodie here, made with love by Project Orochi! -
You asked for it and now.. we’ve done it! All of our Dark Souls Lore content ever made, brought together in one epic video! We have the Deep Lore of Ash Lake, the beautifully complicated Timeline, The Underworld of Demons.. from their perspective.. the epic tale of the Black Knights who fought them and the rotten truth about the Way of White. We have all the heartbreaking stories of the your most loved, and hated, characters.. from Logan and his doomed quest, Laurentius and his beautiful friendship, the thorny Darkwraith Kirk, Gough’s mysterious imprisonment, Siegmeyer and his unending quest, Nito in love, Havel and his epic tale of loyalty and disillusion, Seath and his terrifying genius, Solaire and his true identity, the Infamous lover Lautrec, and the sick cannibal, the executioner Smough.. and of course, the Father God Gwyn.
Not forgetting all the hidden stories in all their depth, from Eidas, to Pinwheel, to the trickster Domnhall..
Some are tales about the forces of nature, some are philosophy, some are legends of heroes, and some the sordid realities of villains. All of them are parts of the incredible creation that is Dark Souls.
This video is almost 12 hours long, and we are very proud to share it with all the Dark Souls fans around the world. This game is an incredible creation, so special it changed our lives. We hope its stories inspire you in your life too.
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Editing: Phillip Schwimmbeck
Commission Thumbnail art by Felipe Bisinotto
Soundtracks are in the original video descriptions!
00:00:00 Big Announcement
00:02:07 Havel: The Movie • The Legend of Havel the Rock | Dark S...
00:26:15 Demons • The Truth about Demons: High Society,...
01:06:25 Gough • Hawkeye Gough: Dragon Killer | Dark S...
01:25:59 The Timeline • The Ultimate Timeline | Dark Souls Lore
02:49:33 Logan • Dark Souls Lore | Big Hat Logan Deep ...
03:06:55 Rings of Power • The Rings of Power | Dark Souls Lore
03:25:07 Siegmeyer • Siegmeyer the Pretender | Dark Souls ...
04:17:31 Smough • Smough the Cannibal | Dark Souls Lore
04:36:23 The Way of White • The Way of White & The Undead Curse |...
05:27:27 Pinwheel • Pinwheel Deep Dive | Dark Souls Lore
05:42:09 Seath • Seath, the Misunderstood Genius | Dar...
06:03:39 The Black Knights • The Story of the Black Knights: Silve...
06:27:28 Solaire • Solaire is Special | Dark Souls Lore
06:55:30 Lautrec • Lautrec the Rebel | Dark Souls Lore
07:25:06 Ash Lake, Havel & the Plot against the Gods • Ash Lake, Havel, and the Plot against...
09:03:15 Nito in Love • Nito's Tragic Past | Dark Souls Lore
09:13:01 Domhnall • Domhnall The Trickster | Dark Souls Lore
09:45:06 Solaire isn't Crazy • Solaire Isn't Crazy | Dark Souls Lore
09:51:37 Laurentius • Laurentius Deep Dive | Dark Souls Lore
10:09:05 Eidas • Eidas: Seath’s Crystal Knight | Dark ...
10:17:16 Kirk • A Kirk Documentary | Dark Souls Lore
10:46:14 Gwyn: The Movie • Gwyn: The Movie | Dark Souls Lore
10:59:13 Gods & Firekeepers • Gods, Firekeepers & the Dragon Child ...
11:23:03 Firekeepers & Giants • Firekeepers & Giants | Dark Souls Lor...
Special thanks to Hawk Emperor tier Supporters: Daniel S, Via Et Veritas Et Vita, Lurifax & Jess Simpson
and additional thanks to Hawk Lord tier Supporters: SomeIrishKid, JZ yee, Domhnall13, Mask Mortis, Isaiah M, Tetsaiga, Red Ocelot, c j, Ethan L, Stuck In Time, Not a Snek, Dylan, Alex A, Alex G, Fungeon, Zom6ieSlayer, Widogast, Murat, Corey, Connor, roblabla, Merlee, Muppet, Patrick, & Agosto
#darksoulslore #darksouls #gaming #eldenringlore #eldenring