What are the latest De Buyer Carbon Steel prices? debuyer-usa.com/collections/carbon-steel?sca_ref=4… (affiliate link)
Check Latest Matfer Prices and Stock: amzn.to/4doQbEP
(affiliate link)
In this video we present the latest news and updates from Matfer Bourgeat about their carbon steel frying pans. We have info on which models have been updated and which are still the "classic" series. We present the latest carbon steel seasoning directions from Matfer, touch base on the Matfer carbon steel pan recall issue, and, sadly, pay tribute to celebrity chef Naomi Pomeroy after her passing.
Check Latest Matfer Prices and Stock: amzn.to/4doQbEP
(affiliate link)
Classic versions that are still currently being shipped
062003 Fry Pan 10”
062007 Fry Pan 14”
062008 Fry Pan 15 3/4”
062009 Fry Pan 17 3/4”
Updated versions now available
062001 Fry Pan 8 1/2”
062002 Fry Pan 9 1/2”
062004 Fry Pan 11”
062005 Fry Pan 11 3/4”
062006 Fry Pan 12 5/8”
Matfer Seasoning Video with Naomi Pomeroy: matferbourgeatusa.com/education/black-steel-guide/
Uncle Scott's Amazon Storefront: www.amazon.com/shop/unclescottskitchen
Uncle Scott's Website: www.unclescottskitchen.com/
*If you click on an affiliate link and buy something, we will earn a small fee. It doesn't make us rich but it allows us to buy more kitchen products to review and make more videos, and is greatly appreciated!! We currently have affiliate links with Amazon, Falk, De Buyer, Sur La Table, Bakedeco, and Thermaworks.*
#matfer #carbonsteel #cookware #unclescottskitchen #cookingshow #food #foodie #cookingvideo