Have you ever stopped to think about how to describe all of reality in just three words? 🤔
In the Vedas, we find this profound answer: Sat, Chit, Ananda.
✨ Sat: Existence, the reality that permeates everything that exists.
✨ Chit: Consciousness, what distinguishes living beings from inert matter.
✨ Ananda: Bliss, the state that only the self-realized can fully experience.
These three words form the most profound and complete description of existence, according to Vedic wisdom. It’s not just about philosophical concepts but about understanding the purpose of life and the path to true fulfillment.
Don't miss out on my book, "Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras Revolution: How Timeless Yoga Wisdom Can Revolutionize Our Lives Today” a.co/d/3xdQvky
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A Complete Study of the BHAGAVAD-GITA course we offer here: coursebhagavadgita.com/.
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